Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all doing well today. It was a very pretty day here. I really enjoyed my time spent in Montana this summer. I got the chance to serve in the kitchen at the Templed Hills Camp. It was fun to serve all different kinds of people. My dad and I also got to help run the ropes course along with a few others. I met a lot of new people too. And at the same time share with them the love, joy and peace that comes with knowing the Lord Jesus as their own personal Savior. We had a lot of opportunities to do so when we had camps coming in sometimes (depending on the length of the camp) two times a week. So it was a great time to share.

I also got to just “hang around” camp and talk with a lot of people. One specific little girl told me that she lived in an abusive home and didn’t even feel safe there at camp. One night at chapel she just could not stop crying and also wanted me to pray for her. I hope and pray that she might have become a young follower of God. But that was a big eye opener to me as she sat there pouring her heart to me and told me about her life, I prayed for her right there and still do.

I have to say my favorite camp was the Mountain Springs Family Camp. I love the people and it was a fun one because we got to half help, half participate. We did some really cool games, like a marshmallow spitting contest, fishing out marbles in ice and beach ball volleyball. We did some pretty fun crafts too. And besides the fact my best friends were there. My parents and I were praying for some godly friends and some how we ended up at this church over there and got to meet and spend some time with so many really neat people. So even though we live 600 miles away they still are my best friends. I think it is really cool how God places people in our lives. And we could have never figured that out. So Thank you Lord!

Well we did school today and we made lunches for my dad’s work friends. We (my mom and all of us girls do a little too!) made them burritos and cookies along with some apples. We are still trying to get everything put away from the move. That is a lot of work and puts a big twist in our day. But we are getting that figured out. We are getting ready to eat dinner and I got to go to make rolls for it. I hope you all had a good day!! Please continue to pray for Babiesheart. Tomorrow I will mention about our move and new home and load some pictures.

P.S. I also want you to know if you want this sent to you automatically please e-mail me. And comments are welcomed too! or

Katie Christine Busby

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